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Great game!! I really like the assets that you used and the idea of using a joystick makes it easier to maneuver! It looks incredibly professional! Well done guys!

I really how you expanded upon the previous version of the project by adding not only a more polished wall jumping method, but also adding bosses and making the game more fast-paced. The game not only feels like it pays tribute to Metroid but also has itself an identity. With more levels and more enemies that have unique abilities or movements, this game is definitely something worth putting on the app store.

I thought your game was nice and the graphics were really well done. I found that the platforms were moving a bit fast in some instances. Although some people made comments about the background I think it was cool. It kind of feels like you are inside a warehouse or something of that nature... if that makes sense. Overall great job and Im glad you guys made the decision to go finish up a past project!

I think this was a great improvement over the first iteration of the game we saw at the beginning of the semester! I think the overall movement system and the animations that went with them worked really well. Also liked the variety of enemies in the game!

I think that you were the only group that chose to work on a past project and I think that it really paid off. Since you already had the main mechanics from the previous project, you were able to really dive in and make it much more complicated. All the animations were super clean, it seemed like y'all imported an asset package or something, so shoutout to whoever designed them! My only form of critical feedback would be that some of the platforms were moving too fast for even the developers to jump onto, so I think slowing them down a little could ease the possible frustration that players feel.

It's so cool that this game reminds me of a literal fusion between Metroid and Halo. This would be a game I would actually download from the app store. I also love the creative UI interface, like how the joystick looks futuristic.

I like this game because it reminds me a bit of halo. I also thought the platformer animations were great, especially with the animation where you could hang onto the side of the walls. I would say that maybe add extra powerups. Also, the arrows  that appeared while walljumping were a bit confusing. Maybe remove those. Overall though it was a great game

this game is a nice improvement and a great sequel to the first necroid game. I really liked how you were able to make a mobile version of the game, and reuse the assets. this made it so that you could focus more on implementation and game mechanics, which really shows. this game is super fun to play. awesome job!

Great game! The enemy AI is well implemented, and the animations are very detailed. Also I love how the elements of the UI match the theme of the game.

I love the movement, it feels spacey. I think the UI looks very polished.

I would suggest different/more detailed backgrounds and perhaps adding powerups.

The game felt really smooth from previous tests and even from the previous assignment. The design  and animation of the wall jump was really cool and seeing the how you guys applied kinematics to it.

The game was really completed. And I am so glad that it kept the wall jump from Necroid. The music and artwork were really consistent and detailed and I was really surprised by the armor of the character. The only suggestion I have right now is to probably add some background introduction. It is overall a great game, and I wish it can be published as soon as possible lol.

I like the different kinds of enemies, especially the boss fight, which makes the game more playable. The animations of the characters are so detailed. I like the death animation of the enemy.

The game is  very matured with enemies and difficulties raised from easy to difficult. The music and the theme of the game feels very cohesive, and I am impressed for the boss at the end of the game. The game overall is a little bit challenging for me because I am having a hard time jumping to the movable platforms.

One bug I noticed is that the machine gun turret seems to be locked on the player meaning that once the player reaches its range, the player will get definitely shot.

Compared with the Necrocid, Necrocid Dread is a great improvement. The pose change when the player grabs the wall and slowly goes down looks cool. I would suggest improving the UI, including keys size, assets style, and stretching issues.

I liked how you guys added on to the game you originally developed in the last project. So it looked very well developed and polished. I loved the character sprite movement, it added realistic feel to the game. I also liked the enemy slowly fading when it dies and background musics. I felt that the joystick was little bit big compared to everything else in the game but overall gameplay was really smooth and really fun!!

The sprite work is well-done and the different upgrades you can get are a cool feature! The wall jump animations are clean as well and I like that you visually see a change in the character when you grab a new upgrade. If you want to further polish the game I recommend fleshing out the environment with more sprites in the background. You have a few of that with the dead allies, but a few more touches here and there would really set the atmosphere!

I think this game definitely improved from the last time I saw it in beta. I think improving the movement of the player is a great choice as well as adding the UI controls to match the theme makes the game more enjoyable. The idea is great and the gameplay is a lot smoother when you all took the feedback into consideration, so great job! It is really fun.

I really like how there are many different kinds of enemies. The overall concept/sprite is well thought out and well done. The death animation and wall animations made the game look a lot more polished. It was funny seeing how the player could push certain enemies around (not sure if intentional or not).

The gameplay is super smooth! I love how the player can glide on the wall after getting the supplement item. I think little details were done super well such as when the player gets hit, it turns red, but when it is on a shield, it turns blue. I think it feels super intuitive for the user and is only one small detail of how great the game is.

I like that it had both lives and hp, as it feels fair but also still has some reasoning for the player to not get hit. I really like the action-packed theme you guys have, but I would agree with some sort of more constant checkpoint/save system.

I like that your game had a shooting/combat feature which fit in really well with your theme. I like the user interface with the lives to show health. The sprites and designs look very cohesive and futuristic which fits perfectly with the story. Really fun game!

Overall, I like the game and I think it's definitely an improvement on the first iteration from a previous assignment. I like the variation in animations for different actions and events. I think the jump button and the health bar don't really match the style of the other buttons on the screen. Also, I think the sizing and placement of the UI seems a little big compared to the rest of the game. 

I really like the improvement between levels which make player have more features through levels and the possibility for player to climb on the wall. I really like animations for both player and enemies and all the sprites for the game. One thing I realized for the game is that each time the enemy died takes a little bit long time to wait for it to fade. 

I like the UI design of the game, it matches the theme of the game really well! The animation was very mature and the health bar is very helpful too. I think something that can be added in the future is the save progress functionality so that the player doesn't need to start from the beginning every time. But the game is already very complete in my opinion, great work!